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In regard to House Bill (HB) 3958, Grandview has issued this response:

HB3958 Communication




The Vo-Tech Bus Route has been approved! We are still working out the details, so check here or on our Facebook pages for updates. TENTATIVELY, the pick-up time will be 7:35-7:40...depending on traffic. The bus cannot wait as the kids need to get back to school in time for breakfast, so if you miss the bus you will need to drive your kid/s to school. BE WAITING AT THE STOP BY 7:30am in order to catch the bus in the mornings. Drop off will be around 3:50ish, again, depending on when bus leaves the school and traffic. We haven't worked out a specific designated "Bus Stop" area just yet, so please check back for any updates.

Thank you for your interest!



Meet & Greet letters went out on Friday, July 19th. These included In-District 3-year-olds, and registered Pre-K and Kinder students.

No decisions have been made regarding Out-of-District applications at this time.


Meet & Greet will be held on Tuesday, August 6th at 6pm. This event is only for accepted 3-year-olds, and registered Pre-K and Kinder students.


enlightenedenlightenedenlightenedIf you have moved or changed phone numbers, PLEASE update your contact information in the office. It is critical in case of an emergency. We need to be able to reach you if your child is injured or ill.enlightenedenlightenedenlightened



Incoming 7th Grade Student MUST have their TDAP Booster prior to starting school. TDAP stand for Tetanus, Diptheria, and Pertussis (whooping cough). Please visit your pediatrician, family doctor, or local Health Department and schedule your vaccination today! 

***Call your local health department first to make sure they have it available!***


**While applications are still being accepted, there is a Wait List for Out-of-District families.**

Applications to enroll in the Early Childhood Program are available to download and print from the website, or you may stop by the school and pick one up. The Application MUST include all 4 pages, the two pages of the application and the enrollment form that follows. Receipt of the Application does NOT guarentee a spot in the program. You’ll be notified in mid to late July if your child has been accepted into our Early Childhood Program. Upon acceptance into the program, you will need to provide a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate, SSN card, and shot record, if you did not submit these documents with your Application. If you have any questions, please call the office and leave a message, 580 439 2467.

The office is NOT staffed full-time during the summer. 

CLICK HERE for an Enrollment Packet

You may email any questions or enrollment applications to

Sophie Bloomer at


Kaleigh Farris at



CLICK HERE for a 2024-2025 School Calendar or click the CALENDAR TAB above to download a copy.



Early Childhood Applications to Enroll are now being accepted!

Your application MUST include all 4 pages.

Please keep in mind that turning in your appliation to enroll DOES NOT guarantee your child a place in the program. In-District families are given first consideration. Then, if there are openings available, Out-Of-District families will be contacted in the order in which they were placed on the waiting list.  Enrollment is usually confirmed and announced by mid-late July. In regards to leaving messages or stopping by, our office staff is typically available from 8:30-3:00 Monday-Friday during the school year. Our office is not staffed full time during the summer, please leave a message.

Applications to Enroll are available by clicking the link below here on the website. They can be downloaded, printed, filled out and emailed to Sophie Bloomer at

CLICK HERE for Enrollment Form

**Prospective Early Childhood parents must initial, sign, and return all 4 pages included in the download in order for the application to be viewed as complete..

Pre-K through 8th grade parents do NOT need all 4 pages, just the enrollment pages 3 and 4.



We are EXCITED to announce that ALL students will receive

FREE BREAKFAST and LUNCH for the 2024-2025 school year!



A Note from the Cafeteria

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!

                  Welcome back Tigers! We just wanted to let everyone know that even though a food order has been place, a menu has been printed, there is still no guarantee that everything will come in on time. We are trying our best to work with the companies to get our menu items delivered in a timely fashion. However, if your child only likes one item on the menu, or it’s questionable if they like anything on the menu, it would be a good idea to pack a lunch for them that day. 

Thank you for your understaning, it is appreicated!


Current Weather

Current Condition: clear sky

Temperature: 74.1˚F

Feels Like: 74.84˚F

Wind Speeds: 7.7mph

Weather humidity: 77%

Chance of Precipitation: %

Contact Information

Grandview School
277062 E 1840 Rd
Comanche, Oklahoma 73528
Phone: 580-439-2467
Fax: 580-439-5589